Pest Tech Hawaii
and AdWalls

Anyone can easily use a QR code with their camera to visit a custom website like this.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about QR codes

Explore our FAQ for quick answers to common questions.

How do QR codes work on billboards?

QR codes on billboards work when scanned by a smartphone camera. They should be large enough and clear to be easily scannable from a distance.

Are QR codes effective for lead generation on billboards?

Yes, they can be effective as they provide a quick way for interested individuals to access more information and potentially provide their contact details.

What content should be linked to the QR code on a billboard?

Link to a simple, mobile-friendly landing page with engaging content, a clear call-to-action, and a form to capture leads.

How can I track the success of a QR code on a billboard?

Use tracking tools to monitor scans and subsequent actions on the landing page, like form submissions or product inquiries.

Can QR codes on billboards be personalized for different audiences?

Yes, you can create different QR codes linking to customized landing pages for diverse target audiences or locations.

How do I ensure my QR code is easily scannable from a distance?

Make the QR code big enough, maintain a simple and clear design, and test it from various distances before finalizing.